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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 10, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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wakes up a nobel prize winner. the groundbreaking work earn him global glory. >> i can't talk. i'm going to start crying. it's unbelievable. >> yes, it is. put those brooms away and get out your rally caps. we've got ourselves a brand-new ball game. the giants and a's try to come through on a comeback. >> showers and thunderstorms interrupting what should be a smooth commute. watch out. we're going to tell you exactly where they're headed coming up. >> we're exinterrupting the smoh commute. we'll explain. >> can we get a little goodness on this wednesday morning? with a live look outside. it's wednesday, october 10th. this is "today in the bay." good morning, thanks for joining us.
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a major fire damaging several businesses. an opportunity to talk to a man inside that building when the fire started. what exactly happened? >> good morning. the strip mall caught fire around 1:00 this morning. now the smoke is starting to clear. we're really getting a good sense of just how destructive this fire was. you could see that water spraying in. that's a travel business. a man was in there doing some late-night work around 1:00 this morning when he realized something wasn't right. >> then all of a sudden, i smell like smoke so i thought that something's wrong what i'm doing. keeping my -- but the smell is very severe. so i tried to go around. then when i go out, i see the
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smoke on the ceiling. >> he called 911. the fire department arrived. they made entry into one of the corner units where the smoke was coming from. once they got inside a short time later, realized, wow, this is really serious. there's already flames in the roof above us. there was a partial roof collapse after that. all said and done, 10 businesses were destroyed or damaged. the fire department needed so much help they called for a fourth alarm. i'm talking about the allah meet that fire department. one reason why the fire did spread is these businesses share a common attic. there are fire walls on either side of this stretch of ten businesseses so the fire department was able to keep this fire contained in this section of the strip mall. there's an apartment complex on the back side. that was evacuated for a short time. those people have been allowed to go back home. one firefighter did cut his hand fighting this fire. he was taken to the hospital.
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he's already been released. he's going to be okay. reporting live here in union city, bob riddle, "today in the bay." a developing story in richland where flames spread to two takers of an industrial yard. five different businesses are located. that fire is still burn. the chopper is overhead as the flames flared up. firefighters say it's actually possible that lightning sparks a fire. at about 2:15 this morning. had to call in heavy equipment because they had a hard time getting water into the fire. there is just one hydrant in front of that property. christy smith is live at the scene gathering new information. she's going to join us with a live report coming up. we can tell you sheriff ross mirkarimi is now back on the job after the board comes just a few votes short of firing him. now live in san francisco, she has a look at how this came
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down. >> reporter: this is really a defeat for mayor lee who wanted him permanently removed from office. right after the vote came down, mayor lee issued a statement saying he strongly disagreed with the decision. going on to say, quote, domestic violence has no place in our city, will never be considered a private family matter, and will never be tolerated. the vote came down just before 11:00 last night. the mayor needed nine votes. he was just two votes shy. those dissenting supervisors say what mirkarimi did was wrong, the city charter is too narrow to support removing him from office. minutes after the vote, the sheriff telling us he is relieved he can get back to work. >> look forward to that after something that has profoundly
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affected our relationship and i think our relationship as it intersects with the people in san francisco. >> it was back in march when mirkarimi entered a guilty please after that incident that left his wife's arm bruised. coming up in my next live report, we will hear from lopez including her message to the mayor. live from san francisco city hall, "today in the bay." >> we certainly know that will not be the last chapter of that story. a new chapter to our forecast as well. >> more of a narrator for this one. we actually have showers and thunderstorms on the radar. taking a live look at what's really getting active from san jose to half-moon bay. you'll find slick conditions. also 680 getting wet from san jose to freemont. mike will be along, let you know if there are problems on the
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highways. i want to point out, we're getting frequent lightning strikes. you just saw that, boom, a little lightning strike. you get the lightning strikes sometimes ten miles away from the actual storm cell. you want to keep that in mind. even when it's not raining, you'll likely be slowed on the commute. we'll be checked with mike in just a minute. this is basically going to be the pattern all day long. this area of low pressure, very stock burn area. it's moving erratically. it's hard to track where it's going to be. it's not attached to the jet stream. what you want to do is just be ready to get wet from time to time throughout the day. you could get caught under a frequent heavy downpour. temperatures today are going to be comfortable. 60s and 70s bayside and at the coast. we've been watching for the effects of the rain. so far not really anything measurable as far as the speeds go. this is the reason why we're having slowing. we do have an issue northbound
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to 101. i think we have an issue with the maps. we have northbound 101 as we're flowing over the interchange there. the accident has just moved to the left-hand shoulder. the slowdown there at 680. there's the slow stretch. the rest of your route it is looking all right. but now starting to show slowing off 101. the bay bridge also has a backup. early metering lights turned on because of a motorcycle accident on the bridge itself. they're moving those vehicles off the roadway. anything on that span causes them to hit the metering lights. now you're held up at the toll plaza. making things smoother on the span itself. i'll let you know if there are any delays clearing those lanes. out to the ball yard. yes, indeed. call it "staying alive." still do or die time. both teams feeling good after big-time victories. they also realize they have to
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keep winning or they will be knocked out. >> the fans are certainly behind them. we have team coverage of our bay area playoff push. comcast sports net bay area live at the great american ballpark at cincinnati. henry, will fans be doing the burning lean after today's game? >> i'll tell you, we're still 12 hours away from the first pitch. i'm like a kid on christmas day ready to open up the presents. we got a huge game going on tonight. game four between the oakland a a's and the detroit tigers. first playoff game in oakland since 2006. boy, they sold it out. 36,000 fans. no problem. second inning. let coco crisp go to work. this guy robs prince fielder of a home run. unbelievable catch. hey, that makes up for that bad
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catch or missed catch out there in detroit. and then fifth inning, there it is. a 414-foot homer. defense stepped up big as well. the diving catch. he robs prince fielder of a hit. fielder had a chance to tie the game in the ninth. he hits the grounder to steven drew. double play. the a's live to play on. they win game three 2-0. there will be a game four. >> very easily could have had a big talk today. everything's on the line today. another game. >> out there, none of us will play worried, we got to go out there and give it everything we got. there is no tomorrow otherwise. now there is tomorrow and we're going to focus on that. once again, sellout crowd will be here tonight. 36,000 fans cheering on the green and gold as they take on
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the detroit tigers in game four of this five-game series. the a's will go with their rookie a.j. griffin. the detroit tigers will go with shirzer as their starter. he's recovering from ankle and shoulder injuries. we'll see how he'll pitch tonight. we'll have all your highlights on nbc bay area tonight. over to scott reese who also is covering a very big game. those san francisco giants. scott reese, good morning. >> henry, good morning to you. yeah, like the a's, the giants stayed alive with a win last night in cincinnati. before we get to the highlights, there was some sprinkles this morning. the tarp was on the field when we arrived. the grounds crew removed the tarp and they're expecting sunny skies, albeit some wind this afternoon for baseball. now, back to sports. yeah the giants last night didn't muster a whole lot of offense. three hits to be exact in ten
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innings. yet somehow they escaped. reds fans looking for a sweep. ryan vogelsong was rusty and shaky in the first. this rbi single from zwra bruce made it 1-0 cincinnati. but he settled down after that. the giants were able to tie it up in the third inning. they did so without the benefit of a base hit. yeah, blanco got hit by a pitch, then a walk, then a sacrifice, and a sacrifice fly scores blanco and the giants tied the game at one. it would stay 1-1 all the way to the ninth inning. then the ground to third. scott roland, eight-time gold glove winner. couldn't handle it. arias is safe. posey scores. the giants had a 2-1 lead. fans here stunned. you know what, didn't happen. sergio romo was perfect in the ninth. likewise in the tenth. three up, three down. the giants with only three hits on the day escape with a 2-1 win to keep the series alive.
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>> everyone came together. there was huge performances. everyone was pulling as hard as we could. and because we just -- we love playing together. and, you know, we want to play some more together. >> they have a great team over there. i think that's what this team showed. no, we didn't put a ton of hits up but we kept the game within striking distance. when we had a chance to strike, we did and we won the game. >> first pitch, 1:00 pacific time. we'll be on the air over on comcast bay area at noon. we'll keep you posted. guys. >> all right, thank you very much, scott. we'll be back with more. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun.
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new this morning, a stanford professor is now the happy winner of the nobel prize for chemistry.
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he is the professor of molecular physiology. he tells us he appreciates this big honor. >> just very, very happy and very grateful. and it took a while to sink in. >> he and fellow american robert leftkowits won that prize for the study. their work will ultimately help scientists come up with better drugs. it's time for a quick check of the day's top story. a four-alarm fire caused the roof to collapse at a strip mall in union city this morning. one firefighter was injured. mirkarimi will be keeping be job as sheriff. the mayor suspending him after the sheriff pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor domestic violence
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charge. but he will stay on the charge. >> it's do or die for both of our teams. the giants play the reds in game four of the national series. the a's play the tigers in the american league division series. that's at 6:37. >> go giants and a's. 2,000 jobs are up for grabs in the south bay. a federally funded organization will hold their largest job fair of the year at the fairgrounds. 50 employ ears will be on hand including a hotel and transportation company like marriott and the vta. this event, the good news, is free. it runs from 10:00 this morning till 1:00 this afternoon. >> it's not a job fair but this friday you can find out what it's like to work at twitter. >> very interesting. here's several tech companies holding a first ever open house. you can go see what scott mcgrew gets every day. >> i get every day. ever wonder what goes on at twitter? visit nzinga. you can see all the dog.
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google. it's an open house at google's city location only. air b & b is going to join in. so a citywide tech company open house. you have to register first. if you look on the white part of the screen there, you see it's open house friday in san francisco. you're looking at the first ever commercial delivery to the international space station. california-based space x docked just this morning. the unmanned capsule delivering a thousand pounds of supplies. this is the second time dragons visited. first time carrying a full load. nasa will pay space x $1.6 billion for 12 trips to the space station. the space station commander indian american watched as it was guided in by an astronaut from japan. the company is run by a south african. he also founded pay pal and
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tsla. putting solar panels on many american homes. space x will make another delivery to the space station in january. other countries have capsules that can send to the state. only drag be has the heat shield to return. meaning it can bring things back. eventually people too. >> pretty amazing. >> it is impressive. thank you very much. also the rain coming down. you can check it for some time. >> the storm system has nothing to transport it just yet. these cells pushing on shore are really hard to track. let me show you what i'm talking about. this is something we have not had in the bay area for quite some time. i set your radar back just four hours. look at all the lightning coming off, just off shore. it is firing off quickly. look at all those lightning strikes. over 100 out there over the pacific. we've had about 19 so far and expecting more. let's bring you back up to the
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north. that's half-moon bay. it's been wet overnight. we're going to continue to see this. let tease take you into the future. you can see a little of the shower activity. on the mountains surrounding san jose. as we head throughout the receipt of the day, we're going to continue to see this pattern. on and off shells pushing from north to south. very difficult to track as this system is not attached to the jet stream. there's nothing to get it out of the way. it's just going to sit and spin and bring in these waves of moisture as we head throughout the day today. still dealing with the slick commute from san jose to gilroy. it could be a little bit rough later on. by thursday, we're still in the thick of it with this area of low pressure continuing to pump moisture on shore. at 2:00 p.m. on thursday. so we're going to get a little bit of shower activity on friday as well. it looks like it's going to clear out of here. giants taking on the reds. breezy conditions. let me tell you about the wins. anywhere between 15 to 20 miles
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per hour. that a strong wind. it looks like that will carry the ball straight out to center field. it will be cold out there as well. let's hope that wind carries the ball in favor of our giants. what a game out there last night. 71 degrees in san jose. as we head through the next few days. we keep that shower chance in the mix till saturday. and then the warm-up begins. by tuesday, we're going to peak at about 84 degrees. another system comes in. we're talking low slow levels and potential for an inch of rain. >> what a change from a week ago. we're looking over here. a change from a few minutes ago jamming down now. just crawling northbound 1301 north. 680 to the scene of this accident. it sounds like it's in the center divide. quite a distraction for folks. just two cars, no injuries, but look at all the slowing we see. north 101 slow approaching the area coming off of tully.
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we're seeing slowing coming out of north 280. that's the typical ripple effect we see for the south bay it expect that in that area. but then farther south we're watching northbound, 17, northbound 85, at the connector, another accident reported. which might affect folks coming up through the area. we see slowing from meridian. not related to the accident there. the traffic build is on for that portion of 85 as well. let's get a live look outside for freemont coming into the area. 880 starts to build. southbound with these headlights past tsla and mission boulevard. pretty typical transitions for 880. the bay bridge, we have a big backup there. the earlier accident at the treasure island onramp looks like it has cleared. the upper deck at the include sounds like there may be an injury involved as well. there's a big rig, a truck and reported as a scooter. very scary situation. we'll track that. clearly the backup and the
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slower metering lights causing the backup to west grand. a fender bender on the sou southbound side. it's off the shoulder but a distraction and the commute is building. no real slowing coming. we'll track that. back to you. >> 6:22. coming up, the country's highest court takes on higher education. the affirmative action argument that could change college admission. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new lexus es
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in fact it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. well ok then, new yoplait greek 100. it is so good. ♪
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6:25. today, the supreme court is reconsidering whether colleges should consider race in the admissions process. "today in the bay" tracie potts joins us. >> you're right, reconsidering because they heard a case like this nine years ago and back then the court said yes, race is one factor. colleges can use in admissions. now a new case. a 22-year-old white female from texas, abigail fisher, says if not for that question on the application, she would have gotten in. the university says that's only one thing they use. it's impossible to say that it was that, it was her race, that kept her out. for the most part, most of their freshman slots are now filled through a program that takes 8%, the top 8%, of all seniors in the state.
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there are only some spots left. of those spots that are left, race is one of the factors that's considered. now, this is a very different court than when that decision came down in 2003. the justice who wrote the opinion, sandra day o'connor, has retired, replaced by justice alito who has said he does not like, has been skeptical, i should say, of the use of race in hiring and other things. and swing justice kennedy dissented nine years ago in that decision. he was not for it. so now we'll see if this new court has a different opinion. laura. >> thank you, tracie. there are some new documents just released to show what happen in the days following the controversy pepper spraying of protesters. this is video that trigger add worldwide response and cost thousands of angry e-mail to pour in. more than 9,500 internal documents were released yesterday. "the sacramento bee" says some
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e-mails used the terms hitler and gueestapo. 6:27, still ahead, stabbed in the chest. slashed on the streets of san francisco. >> a roof collapses. flames just ripped through the strip mall. all the extreme heat and danger ultimately forcing firefighters to run. >> is the rain going to let up? we'll check in with meteorologist sophia lauren coming up. it's 6:27.
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a firefighter injured as flames send a roof crashing down at an east bay strip mall. a live look outside at san jose. will a little drizzle put a damper on your day? we've got your forecast ahead. and right now, we've got
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that opening bell on wall street. that is from the new york stock exchange. hoping for a jump in the markets on this wednesday, october 10th. this is "today in the bay." from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." the time now is 6:30. good morning, everybody, i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. breaking news in union city. a live look at a strip mall at alvarado boulevard and dire street. the fire's out but the damage is done. witnesses say flames broke out at 1:00 this morning. at one point, they had to back out because severe flames were ripping through the roof. one firefighter actually cut his hand and was taken to the hospital. we are live at the scene gathering information. he's going to join us in a live report. developing news from the east bay.
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mother nature could be to blame for a massive fire burning right now in richmond. it has been burning for hours now. christy smith has been on scene all morning long. what can you tell us? >> reporter: good morning. right now, they're using bulldozers to knock down the piles of burned pallets out here. this is the area that didn't burn, but you can see they're piled very high. we're not seeing as much smoke either as we were earlier. this is what is burning out here. piles and piles of pallets. this is an industrial area with just one access point in on brookside near the richmond parkway. here's what we know. two acres burned. this is a two-alarm fire. this are actually five businesses on the property. landscaping. some trucks. several containers. only one way in, one hydrant.
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that's the challenge. started around 2:15 this morning. >> before the fire started about 2:00 this morning we came out, there was a lot of lightning strikes. so the fire's under investigation. that's one of the possibilities. >> now, no one hurt in this whole thing. i asked about the smoke, if they might call an alert. the ba tallttalion chief says n because at this point it's mostly wood that's burning. there isn't an inversion layer this morning pushing the smoke down. he also told me he plans to drive the perimeter but he said firefighters will be out here for several hours making sure that this didn't spread but right now it is contained. reporting live in richmond, christy smith, "today in the bay. ". a san francisco teenager is fighting for her life. the 17-year-old girl was attacked overnight on valencia. she is battling life threatening injuries. investigators believe there was a fight involving several people
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before that stabbing took place. they're still trying to figure out if the stabbing was related to the fight. the south bay principal accused of dealing drugs will be in court today. 42-year-old eric dean lewis could enter a plea this morning it the principal of santa cla ra's montague's elementary school was arrested, charged with five felonies including drug sales and possession. police at this point do not think lewis sold those drugs on campus. bradley morsic, the mon accused of briefly aducting a girl from bathroom of parkside elementary school is also expected in court today. morsic could enter a plea. he is also facing another 18 counts for alley higedly hiding the bathroom at another school and trying to take pictures four girls there. let's switch gears now. talking about the forecast. the weather finally catching up
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with the season. we have cell phone video. rain falling overnight. a sure sign summer weather on its way out. let's check in with meteorologist christina lauren. >> it is getting busy out there. good morning. have to show you exactly what's happening off shore. want to put the radar in motion for you. look at all this lightning associated with this area of low pressure. we've had quite a few lightning strikes reported right here in the bay area. you can see the general nature of these showers. they're spotty. they're very, very strong. we're going to continue to see that activity as we head through the first part of the day. want to make sure you give yourself plenty of extra time to reach your destination safely. look at this, continuing to get those showers streaming up from the south. 1:00 p.m., that's still going to be the case. by 5:00 p.m., the bulk of the
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nature comes through. this area of low pressure will clear the area. as we head thursday into friday. there is improvement on the way. yeah, very strong thunderstorms can generate brief heavy downpours, lightning strikes and pea sized hail. we're going to get gorgeous sunrise out there. 71 degrees in san jose today. 76 degrees in livermore. so, what do these showers mean for the oakland athletics? they'll be back at it today at coliseum. i do have a little bit of rain. we'll talk about that coming up. still a dry roadway as far as the bay bridge goes. we have this accident. i told you about it. i sent our chopper over there. they covered the richmond fire. you see there's a tow truck, a pickup, emergency vehicles. a number of tow trucks. reports a pickup truck and a big rig involving the accident.
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blocking currently the far left lane as well as some emergency crews. so there's some good slowing. you lose half your lanes traveling westbound. a big backup, back all the way to the toll plaza. there's at least minor injuries involved but nothing major from report now it the major thing is the slowdown. look at the plaza, solid, past the 880 overcrossing. the maps will show you this comes off of westbound 24 and 580 as well. the freeway still moves slowly. expect big slowing. south of the bay bridge, maybe head to the san mateo bridge as your option. map heading to the south bay where we are our live sensors showing the slowdown continuing northbound toward the accident on the shoulder there approving 880. 280 still holding u in the northbound direction. i expected to see more slowing but that ripple effect not yet kicking in. plan for that, guys, for the san jose area as well.
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>> thank you, mike. >> it is 6:36 right now. a lot of restrictions at the airport. so how did a passenger get through with knives and a body bag? we'll tell you about the unusual arrest and why security says they let this guy through. >> and final moments. new details about what really happened in the attack. that killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens. alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes. [ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin
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new this morning, a moscow appeals court has freed one of the jailed members of a controversial burning bapunk ba. the women were given two year sentences after being found guilty of hooliganism back in august. prosecutors say the band held an impromptu concert inside a cathedral to protest russian president vladimir putin's re-election bid. the sentence was suspended for one of the band members today because she was thrown out of the cathedral before she could take part in that performance. security officers say they noticed nothing unusual about one passenger dressed head to toe in combat gear. he passed through security wearing a bulletproof vest, carrying handcuffs, knives, smoke grenades and body bags. he was later arrested when his flight touched down at lax. federal agents say the passenger is not linked to any terrorist groups but he has been charged
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with transporting hazardous material. >> perhaps question just why. >> i don't get it. 6:41. coming up, up in flames. businesses in two east bay cities right now severely torched by flames. [ male announcer ] with all your car does for you, he really wants to hear those three little words: chevron with techron. care for your car. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah.
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it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked. a court hearing today for the man believed to be behind the anti-muslim film blamed for sparking violent riots in the islamic world.
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the man also known as nikoula basely nikoula is accused of violating his probation. including lying to his probation officer and using aliases. if he is convicted, he could spend two years in prison. >> some major news from the state department now saying that controversial film is not to blame for the death of the ambassador. among the new details released, new insight into the final moments of ambassador chris steven's life. the state department says stevens was trapped inside a smoke-filled room inside the base when arped men stormed that compound. at this point, it's still unclear who exactly took the ambassador from the embassy to the hospital but hospital staff members informed the embassy of his death after they picked up his mobile phone and took it out of his pocket and dialed any number to try to reach somebody. stevens did grow up in piedmont and he also attended uc
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berkeley. >> the attack will be the subject of a attack on capitol hill today. the big question, whether the u.s. ignored security concerns from its diplomats in libya. some members of congress say the u.s. was warned but did not do anything. >> twice in the lead-up you had bombings at our compound there in benghazi and it's 9/11 in libya. what other warnings do you need? >> the hearings no doubt will have an impact on politics. especially now that mitt romney is closing in. the latest poll has them tied. gallup has romney up by two points. pew has him up by four. 6:45 right now. all this change weather as we fall into fall. >> it's time to lose those heels and about six inches. temperaturewise, it is kind of chrrisp out there.
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want to start with this fantastic live picture over san jose. you see there the stratus midlevel clouds. we will see hit or miss showers. quite a bit activity for the most part off shore just off pass robos here. the actual core of low pressure is still situated off shore. as we head throughout the next 24 to 48 hours, it looks like it will push inland enough for us to continue to see these thunderstorms rolling through the bray area. want to zoom in on the active area. an area of low pressure is cut off from the jet stream and has nothing to transport it. so that's why it's so hard to forecast where exactly these showers and thunderstorms are going to end up. i think we'll see a little bit of rain out there tonight as the oakland a's take on the tigers it the best chance for that will be about 7:00. here's where it gets tricky. i don't think we'll see rain
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delays but all it takes is one these stronger cells to roll over the coliseum for us to potentially see a little bit of a delay. maybe some spotty showers. 59 degrees. make sure you plan for that if you're heading out there. of course we'll have that swrints forecast coming up. 67 degrees in san francisco. and we hold on to the 70s in that shower chance all the way through that first part of friday. we'll clear you out for the second half of the day. saturday and sunday, high pressure moves in. that means a warm-up for us. you'll be able to hit the beach. might be one of your last weekends to do so as we hit another area of low pressure wednesday, thursday into next week. right now, let's check your drive. getting busy out there, mike? >> we'll start with the san mateo bridge. this is one of your alternates. if you are south of the bay bridge, consider this as a if alternate. even though it's looking cro
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crowded. a little backup at the plaza over to the peninsula side. now the chopper just showed me that the accident itself had cleared but the stream of cars from the include all the way back to the toll plaza, it is solid, and then backing up on to the east shore freeway and on to the approach. consider the san mateo bridge here or bart. 60 trains, no delays. some folks tried that for the first time over the past weekend. let's show you the south bay problem as well. northbound slow coming off the 680/101 interchange. the accident is off the roadway. that ripple effect played in and caused some slowing now on 101, back from capital expressway up to the scene. 280 not seeing much of that ripple. that's good news. 85, a backup now from about meridian to the interchange with 17. may have activity off north 17 getting on to north 85 for the
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south bay as well. the bay bridge very slow on the approach coming out the maze so keep that in mind. i'll track that with you on twitter and of course with our updates. >> we have an update. breaking news in union city. a large fire at a strip mall has damaged several buildings there. one firefighter, he was actually injured during that blaze. the question is, how is that firefighter doing right now. >> reporter: the firefighter's okay. he cut his hand while fighting this overnight fire. was taken to the hospital. has already been released. the fire was pretty serious. so serious that the alameda county fire department had to call for backup. call for a fourth alarm. you can see how much water they had to use. they inintentionally formed a small lake here. the fire started in the corner. one of the businesses there. ended up damaging or destroying a total of ten businesses in this strip mall. the fire did have it pretty
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easy. unfortunately, these businesses share a common attic so the fire was able to get this there and spread. it was able to spread past those ten businesses because there are fire walls on either side. that did help firefighters to keep this from doing more damage than it already did. was doing some late-night work. they smelled smoke. they noticed there was some smoke coming out. they called 911. when the fire department arrived, it still didn't look like this fire was going to be much, but then things turned worst. >> when we show up and you see fire at the front door, you think, okay, no big deal. then you get inside, you make a better assessment. all of a sudden, the roof's coming down on you and you've got fire running the entire attic space. >> you can see the fire took out a huge chunk of this roof. as you heard that chief telling us there was a partial roof collapse but the firefighters
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were able to get outside, take a defensive posture. some people who live in the apartment billion were evacuated but they have since been released. firefighters here in the southern part of the east bay weren't the only ones who were busy overnight. that's where my colleague is. >> the situation has really improved here in richmond. we're not seeing as much smoke. we're not smelling as much smoke. it smelled like a carve fire and flames were up in those trees there but i wanted to show you what it is that burned. wood pallets. piles and piles of them. two acres burned at the height of this fire that started around 2:15 this morning. possibly started by a lightning strike. that according to a battalion chief here. the fire is now contained. there are actually five businesses on the property.
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trucking, landscaping, all damaged. this is an industrial area near the richmond parkway on brook side. it was a real challenge to get to. >> the problem we have getting water to the fire. there's only one hydrant in front. there's only one road coming in. it's difficult to get to the other side of the fire. that's why we called heavy equipment to come in and knock some of it down. >> the battalion chief says because it's mostly wood that was burning out here, there was no need to put out an alert to the community about the smoke. he said there was no inversion layer pushing the smoke down. and that is a good thing. but firefighters will be here for several hours. looking for an exact cause. they're thinking it's possibly lightning but they want to make sure it doesn't flare up again. reporting live in richmond, christy smith, "today in the bay." time to check the markets. >> good morning. we're watching apple very carefully. apple has been down over the
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past couple of days. it's up about $5 this morning. dow industrials down 34 points. nasdaq moving positive. here is a sign of the times. we've been talking all morning about the nobel prize. two stanford professors got one. the prize foundation has cut the size of the cash prize from 10 million swedish kroder to about 8 million. that's about $1 million. there's only one country in the world that taxes nobel prize money. bet you can guess who. other interesting noble fact, president obama donated all of his prize money after taxes to charity. swiss chemist when he won, switzerland debated taking away his pension because now he's rich, right. and a chicago economist only got half of his prize money because he had to give the other half to his ex-wife. ouch. >> yeah, and the next time you do that story, can you put on a white tie and tails?
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>> absolutely. >> thank you. 6:53. staying alive but it's still do or die time for the giants and the aess this morning. both feeling good but realize they have to keep winning if they want to keep the hope alive. >> we have team coverage. comcast sports net bay areas henry wolford is live but we begin with scott reese at the ballpark with our giants coverage. >> the giant bats weren't exactly out in full force in game two. can't say they came to life last night in game three. but they did just enough. and they got great pitching from ryan vogelsong and the bull pen and were able to eke out an extra inning victory over the reds. reds fans brought the brooms. they were thinking sweep. this series is going to be done in tree games. but it was not to be.
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he gave up three hits and a walk. jay bruce the rbi knock scoring zach cozart making it 1-0 cincinnati but that's all the reds would get in the first and as it turns out in the game. the giants get one back in the third without the benefit of a base hit. tags and scores on the angels to tie it. it stayed 1-1 all the way through regulation. in the tenth inning, the giants take a lead on a ground ball from arias. scotty roland, who's an eight-time gold glove winner at third base, can't make the play. buster posey scores the go-ahead run. sergio locks it down. the giants get the win 2-1. they live to play another day. we go to game four this afternoon. game time, 4:07 local time time. that is 1:07, california. comcast sports net bay area will be on the air. getting you set for all the
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action. we think but we're not sure matt letos for cincinnati. now back to the bay area. henry wolford with an a's report. >> absolutely, scott. the fans out here in oakland are back to doing the burn. with big smiles on their faces. big win. the oakland a's. they take game three 2-0. let's go over the highlights. 36,000 fans loud and proud rocking the coliseum. this is something that got everyone on their feet. prince fielder at the plate. deep shot to center field. coco crisp wasn't having it. he saved the a's by robbing prince fielder of a home run. time to play long ball. seth smith gets all of this one. 414 feet for that homer. and then defense stepped up big time. prince fielder at the plate.
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that was unbelievable. and then fielder had a chance to tie the game in the ninth. hits a grounder to steven drew. steps on second. throws to first with a double play. a's win 2-0. game four tonight. guys are excited. >> yes, we are excited. >> yeah, looking forward to that, thank you very much. a lot of folks excited about the change in the forecast, change in the weather. watching it all for us, meteorologist christina lauren. >> it's bringing rain and lightning. i wanted to focus in just off shore in the north bay. look at that. you're getting the lightning strikes. almost 10 to 15 miles away from the actual cell that is generating those strikes. let me widen out for you and show you the actual nature of all the showers and thunderstorms we've had this morning. they're creeping up from the south. let me just go ahead and show you what is on its way to
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half-moon bay as we head through the next 15 to 20 minutes. we're expecting on and off showers and thunderstorms throughout the day. and we could see a little bit of light activity over the oakland coliseum later on tonight. you want to go ahead and be prepared for wet driving conditions. be prepared to get wet on your way from the office to the car. still dealing with light showers tomorrow morning. let's see how it's impacting your drive as it likely is. >> highway 1 is you're watching the effects of wet roadways. scattered showers overnight as well. leaves that pavement damp. over here the bay bridge is a big deal. the backup at the toll plaza extending way back into the maze. the fog is rolling in. that's a safety issue. they left the area. of course the lightning, they want to key them well clear of that. stay away from the bay bridge if you can. look at all the jam down the east shore freeway after the
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earlier accident has cleared. another report closer to san francisco should be moved quickly by the bridge. all that backup at the toll plaza. don't head to the san mateo bridge because look at all this jam, south 880 heading to the area as well. bart's great, guys. the san francisco board voting to let mirkarimi keep his job as san francisco sheriff. the mayor suspended him after the sheriff pled guilty to a misdemeanor domestic violence charge. the space capsule has docked with the international space station. bringing a surprise, some ice cream, to astronauts. and a stanford professor is one of the winners of the nobel prize for chemistry. with his groundbreaking studies of protein and body cells. >> thank you so ch


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